Saturday, July 5, 2008

Diving in at a moments notice...

As our day continued on, we were invited to join the youth group for their weekly Bible Study! Their Youth Pastor TT is a great guy who I have really enjoyed speaking with. He seems to be doing well with these Romanian teens. And being a teen "worker" myself, I really enjoyed joining them tonight. It started off with some praise team practice which was proceeded by a meeting with TT. He 'encouraged' both Lanny and I to give a message tonight, as well as have our youth lead in some worship. Last minute is our kind of timing! And wouldn't you know it, we just so happen to have a few youth that are good at leading worship and playing instruments. It was fun to hear the same tunes to songs and to have all the youth singing in different languages!

TT (the Youth Pastor) and his youth praise team practicing for the night.

Ummmm....(so many phrases to input) about...a puppet doing Lanny ministry! That's a safe phrase!

Andrew playing that instrument thingy he plays. He did usual! ;-)

Taylor played guitar while her and Whitney joined Andrew in singing.

Lanny was asked to give a short message during Bible study. (His was short because mine went long...leave it to a pastor to be long winded a coach to get to the point!)

And to round out the day, we were asked to come back to join the youth group in singing tomorrow night in church. Holy Trinity's youth will be singing in Romanian, while our youth accompany in English. The words may sound different to our ears, but hearts in worship sound the same to our King! Also, a few of their youth volunteered to go out with us this week as translators (because they are really good at their English). Teens joining teens across the globe as one family to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, my job doesn't get any cooler than to see that!

So, for all of you that are praying, let me say a huge THANK YOU all for all your prayers! And this is just day one of this awesome adventure with Christ. Glory to my King!

1 comment:

Grace said...

Praying for you guys!