Monday, August 11, 2008

In The Beginning...

For those of you who have not heard the news, Wifey and I are expecting our first biological disciple! Apparently, my wife has enough wisdom and gentleness to cover enough of my ignorance, in order for the Lord to deem us 'blessable' with a child. We're pretty excited! (That might be an understatement!!!)
I find my head spinning as I try to think through everything that needs to be thought about before D-Day (Delivery-Day), i.e. getting the 'nursery' ready, putting the baby on our ins., making sure he/she has clothing so he/she doesn't run around naked for the first 6 years of his/her life, making sure I know how to work a car seat, making sure my wife knows how to change a diaper (ha...just couldn't pass it up! Love ya, Wifey!). Actually, I'm hoping to practice blindfolded so when I have to do it at 2:30am I'm more prepared. Even how to hold a squirming baby is still an 'X' factor for me. I'm sure like every parent, I just want to make sure I don't do something incredibly wrong (though I'm sure I'll have many blunders at first and will learn from my mistakes). Even with the infinite amount of other things I'm trying to think through that I don't have the time or space to write about, we're still extremely excited.

Right now, according to, our child is the size of a 3" shrimp. And as of this week he/she has fingerprints. HOW COOL!!! Thank all of you so much for praying for my wife and I (expecially you "Bunco Babes")! Being away from family is tough, but when God provides another 300 member family to fill in, it makes things much easier!

By the way, our Due Date is February 14th, which just so happens to be my b-day. Thank You for the gift, Father!