Friday, June 6, 2008

The Boy

Well, Wifey just got a report from the vet's office. Bo did well during surgery and is in recovery. The x-rays did show something wrong with his hips, but they will not be able to give him any medication until they receive the results back from the biopsy on his nose and eye lids, which will take about 10-14 days. So, we're in a holding pattern until then. We should receive info in his discharge papers regarding what to do until then.


Lanny said...

Hope everything turns out ok for Bo. Our dog thinks he is human and knowing you, Bo probably thinks he is human too!

Nancy said...

The Bunco Babes prayed for Bo. Glad to hear he got through surgery okay.

Andrew said...

Hey, I will be praying for Bo, too. Talk to you later man!

Grace said...

Keep us posted!