Casey, Levi David is very handsome indeed, should see our grand daughter Emma Marie, born Jan. 14, 2009, she is the most beautiful little girl you'll ever see! Randy and Teresa Myers
I like being challenged and pray that I succeed. I'm just a guy who God has called to be the best me I can be. My desire is to be the best husband on earth for my wife so that her life is blessed beyond measure. I pray that I'm the best dad on earth so that my kids will know what true love is about and will have a heart for others. I hope that God uses me beyond my abilities and that even if I never get any recognition, that He smiles at least for a moment when He thinks about me. May I always be humble yet confident, willing to give whatever is ask of me without fear.
Yep...I agree, you have the same head shape (lol).
That is Great!!!!!!!!!
Does he have his passport?
Casey, Levi David is very handsome indeed, should see our grand daughter Emma Marie, born Jan. 14, 2009, she is the most beautiful little girl you'll ever see! Randy and Teresa Myers
"Since facebook shut down my video"
Why'd they do that?
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