The glorious and Almighty Lord presented an opportunity that I just couldn't pass up. As Lanny has shamlessly posted pictures of me sleeping, the Lord humbled him to the point of being caught up in his own vices! And not only did we catch this picture, but I am proud to say that it was taken during church! But to his defense, after 3 preachers, 1 wedding, and a hodge-podge of youth choir specials, he was required to rest his top lids on top of his bottom lids for a short moment in time. So to all out there reading this, check out this picture which vindicates my actions!!!
"I was checking my eyelids for holes!" -Lanny Wake
Maybe the bride wasn't upset about singing English over Romanian, maybe she heard Lanny snoring!
I wasn't sleeping...I was closing my eyes in respect while the prayer was being offer up to my Heavenly Father...
Nice try......
Ha...I think Nancy hit the nail right on the head!
I am sure he has never done this while listening to Jay preach! :)
James, once or twice that is all.
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