Thursday, July 3, 2008

Go unto all nations...

This morning we boarded the church van for Romania. It's a little weird, this is probably the first trip I've ever been on where I feel completely ready to go. I wasn't rushing around at the last minute trying frantically to get things done. We met at the church, hung out for a bit, leisurely climbed into the van...and now we're Chicago International Airport! I think this is called the 'go' part of the Great Commission. Soon we'll be doing the 'disciple' part...and I think we're all really looking forward to that part. However, I do believe there have been a few members of our team doing some airport evangelism! Go Team!

The Fella's in the van on the way to the airport.
Me and the Ladies cruising in the church van of power!
Lanny being Lanny...I'm sorry Lila!!!

Last year while in Chicago, we stopped at Starbucks. So, Pastor Jay, for the sake of team sanity and in honor of you, we decided to stop again!

And here was the poor lady dragging her bag through the airport, maybe not quite aware that her wheels didn't make it through security. But either way, it was fun to watch!

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Hey, I know you prob'ly won't read this for quite a while, but just so you know an atheist has asked Christians why we pray, and I've opened the question up to reader-response on my blog. Feel free to post a response!